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Our Delta Gamma chapter, Nu, was founded in 1911 here on the beautiful University of Idaho campus. In 2011, we celebrated 100 years of sisterhood with alumni and collegians. We have a rich sense of history and wonderful alumnae who continue to support us throughout the years. 


We live through our motto "Do Good" everyday of our lives. We strive to offer women of all ages a rich heritage based on principles of personal integrity, personal responsibility, and intellectual honesty. Our primary purpose is to foster high ideals of friendship, promote educational and cultural interests, create a true sense of social responsibility, and develop the finest qualities of character.


To give you a taste of what Delta Gamma at the University of Idaho is really like, we've included some of our signature events down below. Enjoy!

Founder's Day

An annual tradition, Founder's Day is an event to honor how special Delta Gamma is for our current and past members alike. This event includes the presentation of various awards and scholarships, celebration of our rituals, and highlights of the year. This past year, we were happy to have our sister, Maureen Syring speak for us!


Anchor Man

Every year we select a man to represent our Chapter as our Anchorman. This year we are lucky to have Dawson Becker from Sigma Nu!


Senior Week

Every semester we have a week devoted to our wonderful seniors. It's just one of the ways that we like to acknowledge our chapter's out-going members! 


Anchor Splash 

Delta Gamma's Foundation, Service for Sight, has raised thousands of dollars over the years to help inform people about the importance of eye care - as well as assistance in the financial needs to those who suffer from eye-related injuries and diseases. Our philanthropy, Anchor Splash, is held every year in the spring to raise the money we donate to Service for Sight. We are proud the have one of the most participated in philanthropies on campus - all thanks to the participation of many living groups as well as Greek chapters around campus. The main event consists of fun water-related relays and synchronized swimming, as well as events throughout the week to raise money and awareness. 

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Big Hannah, Little Hannah

To make sure every New Member feels comfortable in our home, they are assigned a new Sophomore member or "Big Hannah" every week leading up to our Big/ Little reveal. This gives them someone to hangout with and go to for help, so the New Members can know each Sophomore member leading up to our fun and surprising Big/ Little reveal night - gaining their big sister for life! 

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